Saturday, 26 October 2019

8. Diary of an Intermittent Faster

Just for comparison, I would like to show you a typical day in my life as someone who probably eats differently than most and who uses exercise to maintain energy.

I appreciate that I have a particular opportunity to do the extraordinary because I have a job mostly working on a PC at home. However this does not exclude a lot of people from creating a similar planned approach to their daily activity. My example is here for ideas only. You can design your own plan.

A typical work day of which I have 4 in a week meaning I target to work only 4 days a week.

Dear Diary

2:00 am. Time to go to bed.
Weight 81.5 Kgs: 65 bpm

6:00 am. Awake, Feel good
Weight 81.0 Kgs: 68 bpm
6:15 am Going for a one hour walk
7:00 am. Great walk and listened to spotify morning music mix
Weight 80.5 Kgs: 75 bpm
7:15 am. Fresh black coffee with cinnamon, salt, and coconut oil
7:30 am. Work (4.5 hrs)
12:00 pm. Smoothie and a break to watch the last bit of John Gotti
1:00 pm Work (2 hrs)
3:00 pm Prep dinner
3:15 pm Work (1.75 hrs)
5:00 pm Dinner
5:30 pm House Work and family time (2 hrs inc meals)
7:00 pm Gym. Full body routine
8:30 pm Work (3.5 hrs)
12:00 am Bed, early night
Weight 81.5 Kgs: 73 bpm


  • Total work 11.75 hrs
  • Total exercise 2 hrs
  • Total family time 3.5 hrs (no longer have children at home)
  • Weight loss, zero. I am not trying to lose weight

Tiredness is a product of nutritional choices, digestion and lack of exercise.
I exercise in the morning and of a night to fire up my metabolism and keep me energised.
My weight is consistent even though I don't eat often or huge amounts.
Meat is something I avoid as its digestion is a high energy consumer, less nutritious than veggies, and costs more. Plus, when you reduce meat to say 2 times a week and small portions, you don't smell as much.

4/12/2020 Update
Love reading this post. I have been adjusting things and lost my way a bit.
The meaning of life is to love life and all it has to offer.

Important points
1. Nutrition is the key to living a long life
2. Keto is NOT nutritional enough. Far too many animal fats. Reduce meat intake.
3. Intermitent Fasting works
4. Exercise is key
5. Quality sleep not quantity
6. Love is super important

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