Saturday, 19 October 2019

5. Sunday Morning

When you flick the light switch and the light comes on, that is the result of a vast amount of thought, experimentation, science, invention, trial and error, manufacture, harnessing of energy, administratration, provisioning, maitenance, and effort. Your personal energy availability is no less complex.

You have been gifted at birth  a significantly more complex power creation plant than that of a nuclear submarine, jet airplane, or even a space ship. Your system is millions of years in the making. BUT instead of space control being a dedicated team of A grade PHD graduates, the best guidance and training you were given on how to use this amaizingly complex biological energy convertor came from your parents, their parents, and of course, societies advertising gurus, the spin doctors. They did the best they could. How is it working for them? My parents unfortunately passed away early. Both died of nutritional ailments. When the penny droped for me, my mind did a flip! How much did I think I knew that was just wrong?

Quick quiz: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how much do you really know about nutrition? If you score 10 well done! If not, there is so much you can learn and a whole new world waiting for you.

Your nutritional activity is directly proportional to your physical condition,  cognitive function, longevity, health, and energy.

Did you know you actually have a hybrid digestion system? It can run on either keytones or glycogyn. Once upon a time, your ancestors probably ran on keytones and ate once every few days Whereas our society tends to run on glycogyn and need to eat/fuel up every few hours. This transition kicked into high gear when the so called "food triange" came out.
Quick fact: the inventor of the food triangle had financial interests in wheat farming and placed wheat and grains high on the recommended consumption list. We now know this to be completely incorrect advice that leads to obesity, diabeties, and early death. 

Wheat turns out to be one of the most toxic foods know due to it creating inflamatiin, hunger, and poor nutritional yield. Yet it is the staple component in a Western diet.

Digestion takes a lot of energy and for most people, instead of the digestion process being switched on a few hours a day, it has become permanently switched on. It has become the norm of society that our life is more about the love of eating than that of the love of living.

For example, all sugar is a negative energy component. Yet we prefer to have sweet things instead of things that are good for us. This is because of your Reptillian Brain which controls you at the sub level. In our evolution, we didn't know all that we know today. So to keep us alive, Mother Nature said "stick stuff in your mouth and let your taste buds work out if it can use it." So we did. You can see this evolutionary activity going on in young children even today.

However we now know stuff. 
We don't need to experiment in the same random way. But unfortunately, as you transitioned from your Reptillian Brain to your Concious Brain, you were told over a million times what to eat. That song is stuck in your brain. The track is called, "Give me delicious! by a group called "hooked on a feeling" and remixed by "Waiting at the Doctors".

So if you truely want to be in control of your life, it's time to change the record.

That was just an introduction to nutrition. You also have to take control of other aspects of your life. Let's take a look at Sunday morning.

Should you stay in bed or get on with the day?

This is my Sunday at 6 am.
A lot I want to get done today so I can either stay in bed for a couple more hours or get up. It's a hard one. If I get up I may end up being tired during the day. If I stay in bed the available time will be less and I won't get everything done.


1. Dress
2. Glass of water
3. Rinse nose with saline
4. Clean teeth
5. Pickup shopping list
6. Go gym
7. Fill car with petrol
8. Shopping + Farmers Market
9. Gardening (1 hour)
10. Tidy house

This will take me to about 10 am where I can then put on the Sunday Roast and clear my desk of paperwork. Family coming to a quick lunch because it's my birthday :) I am 58.

With energy, all these things I will love doing. If I stayed in bed I wouldn't be able to do all this and I would set myself up for having to rush around and only getting half of it all done.

Quote "We do things today to improve tomorrow" This model of behaviour creates energy, motivatiin, and fullfillment.

To Be Organised and Energosed, it takes a week of dedicated efforts. Make the comittment. Go to bed early. Switch off the tv, let go of your phone, get to sleep, and wake up early with a list of "to do's".

This is the start of having more energy 😀

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