Tuesday, 29 October 2019

20. Strategic Planning To Achieve Projects

Strategic Planning To Achieve Projects

1: How to Create Uninterruptible Time Zones
2: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
3: Look After Your Health
4: Finding the Time
5: Sleep is a Major Controler
6: Mistakes

As a human you are subject to so many distractions that it's almost impossible to get anything done. If you can't get things done it is going to impact you in many ways.

  1. Health issues due to the stress of not progressing
  2. Success limitations because you need to achieve tasks to succeed
  3. Personal Development is hindered because you are locked into a frustrating interruptive routine

Distractions, there are so many. You know what I am talking about:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Messenger
  • Emails
  • Phone calls
  • Accounts
  • Food
  • Children
  • Adults
  • Relationships
  • Work
  • TV
  • Entertainment
  • Friends
  • Chores
  • and exhaustion

How can you ever get anything done? When you are exposed to interruptions often, you tend to get depressed and give up on the project. Fear not, there is a solution. You just have to develop a strategy and work the strategy.

1: How to Create Uninterruptible Time Zones

To achieve anything you need to allocate the right amount of time but where can you find the time?
The strategy is to create a 'quiet Zone' for yourself on a regular basis. A zone where no one can get hold of you. A zone where nothing can interrupt you and then within that zone, work through a planned approach of achieving the goals you want..

This is a simple technique:

  1. Learn how to use 'Google Spreadsheets' (there will be a tutorial on this)
  2. Map out your project within a spreadsheet
  3. Allocate estimated times required to achieve the result you are after Be generous
  4. Total up the time required
  5. Decide on when you want to complete the project
  6. Divide the time required by the days available
  7. This gives you the hours a day required
  8. Place the times within the 'Google Diary' and operate a diary from now on
  9. Place the diary on your phone
  10. Review your diary each day and make sure to tell your friends about your quiet time zone
  11. When the time comes, switch off your phone
  12. Use the 'Google Spreadsheet' to maintain your plan. Adjust it if necessary and recalculate time required
  13. Work the plan
  14. Set a stopwatch and record your progress
  15. Review your spreadsheet each night before you go to bed

2: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

People who have been exposed to life changing stress can end up with PTSD. (See WebMD).
Now PTSD is a diagnosis usually reserved for people who have witnessed or been involved in life threatening situations. I put forward the idea that people who have set targets to achieve, but who are constantly struggling to achieve them, have a very similar condition to PTSD.

The condition can cause you to be defocused, confused, upset, and even depressed. Your best treatment is to improve and establish:

  1. Exercise
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep
  4. Create Uninterruptible Time Zones
  5. Create a plan
  6. Work the plan

You can achieve your goals. You just have to be truly organised.

3: Look After Your Health

If you feel stressed, look at taking the following supplements:

  1. Magnesium
  2. Ashwagandha
  3. B complex
  4. COQ10
  5. Mineral Water

This is also an excellent article with lots of great herbs and advice Care/of

4: Finding the Time

There are so many ways to create time. Here are a few:

  1. Stop watching TV as much. Limit yourself of stop all together
  2. Plan meals. Build multiple meals at the same time. Sometimes I will cook two or more dinners at a go
  3. Set up a chores board so other people within your house and work are delegated tasks
  4. Don't procrastinate
  5. Get up. Don't just lie in bed
  6. Stop watching youtube. Get to sleep sooner
  7. Stop facebook for a while
  8. Get as many things done in one journey as possible
  9. Have a Sunday task list (see this blog)
  10. Do ten organisational things before you go to bed
  11. Don't drink alcohol or cut back
  12. Plan
  13. Ask people to help. But make sure they do help and not just do something one or two times and the forget it
Also, work out your best time to get things done.

5: Sleep is a Major Controler

If you get to sleep at 11:00 because you are watching TV, and you need 8 hours sleep, you are going to wake up at 7:00 am.
However if you go to bed at 9:00 pm, and wake up at 5:00 am, you have just created 2 hours where you could get your projects under way.

6: Mistakes

Sometimes people just ignore everything and put a whole lot of time into one dash. Then they have to catch up on what they have not done. Slow and steady wins the race.

Or the project can seen so overwhelming, you give in. Don't give in. Just create a plan, and work the plan. Once you tell your mind that you have everything planned, and that you are working the plan, a huge amount of stress will be lifted from you and you will feel a lot better.

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