Monday, 28 October 2019

16. Ten Things Before Bed

Nutrition is only a part of the overall picture and there are some very important parts to organic degradation that we are starting to address by revamping when and what to eat.

It's no small ask to live 300 years as apart from religious writings, no person in recorded history has ever lived that long. Although science has said it is possible, no one knows how to really do it because no one ever has.

Another part to the challenge is your state of mind. This World is tough and your biggest threat to happiness is how you rationalise and resolve issues.
Personal Note: I actually don't mind how long I live because in doing so it would just make me stress and that isn't a good thing. In reality I have a very strong belief about death and I am kind of at peace with it. But I love a good challenge and well I am the kind of guy who will give longevity a go :)
his is the right attitude to have because stressing about something is a killer!

If you were to live 300 years you would have to cope with:

  • Your daily struggles
  • Lost friends, family, and loved ones
  • What you would do to entertain yourself
  • Moving through history
  • Having to constantly adjust to new ways
  • Coping with World events
  • Health issues
  • Monetary issues
  • Reality issues
And your own eventual departure.

Considering this information, your mind is your next asset to get into order. If you are constantly disorganised, stressing, or lamenting over what to do next, you will not last long. All that thinking is going to release the stress hormone called 'Cortisol'. It is the number one killer of animals. See Psychology Today

It's another big subject so let's start off slowly with something simple.
One frequent time that people stress is in the morning when they wake up. 
They are personally disorganised, interrupted with by children and their partner, and even the family pets can be a nuisance. Your only solution is to get organised.

The important lesson here is 'Anticipate Stress and Resolve it before it manifests'.

Based on this rule I do ten things before I go to bed and I encourage you to do something similar. I process a list of things to do.

  1. Dishes away
  2. Meals prepared
  3. Clothes sorted
  4. House tidy
  5. Drink small glass lemon mineral water
  6. Clean teeth
  7. Keys, wallet sorted
  8. Phone and headset charged
  9. Day's plan set
  10. Diary and Finances reviewed
This 'before bed' list saves me from ever having morning stresses and helps keep my cortisol at bay.
Because I know there are other stress traps, I have a lot of other lists I process such as:
  • The 10 things to do on Sunday
  • 5 Things to do before you leave the house
  • Yearly forward planning of everything
They are all designed to eliminate unrequired stress.

I will be showing you how to manage these list for yourself in the 'Google Resources' section.

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