Saturday, 19 October 2019

3: First Things First, What do you Drink?

Life, its all about energy. So many decisions you make are based upon how you feel. The keys to how you feel are:
1: What you drink
2: What you eat
3: Quality of sleep
4: What you think
5: How you keep organised
6: The goals you set yourself
7: How you interact with others
8: How you use time
9: Exercise
10: How you breath

Have a look through this list. Take a moment to recognise how you feel about each of these topics.

The truth does set you free. For example, if you drink alcohol on a regular basis, it's a complex choice. The odd social drink is one thing but if you find you cannot function on a day to day basis without having an alcoholic drink then you have a problem.

1, Alcohol will cost money that you could be using for other purposes
2, Regular drinking is usualy a sign of other unaddressed issues
3. Alcohol will adversley affect the quality of sleep and breathing. It will also affect cognitive function
4. It will adversley affect tomorrow's quality of life
5. Alcohol adversley affects nutritional opportunity (the ability to process foods in a positive manner)
6: Will affect relationships
7: Can establish a daily detrimental routine
8: Is a substance which does not improve longevity
9: Occupies valuable time

And is a substitute for genuine happyness. You may dissagree with this analysis. People who like to drink tend to do so. Drinking is a lifestyle choice. If you are intrested in being the best version of yourself, it is important for you to be able to see the truth and develop your daily positive habits

At a cellular level, not one cell is improved when it comes into contact with alcohol. If you don't quite believe this, try watering a plant with alcohol. In a short period of time, the plant's body and leavrs will wilt and die. Alcohol has an effect on you primarily because it is wiping out cells and this process relaxes you and establishes a feeling of no longer being in control. We want to be in control and at the same time, feel good about ourselves.

I love water. Water is the exact opposite to alcohol. It truely is delicious. But don't suddenly reach for the tap. Energised mineral water unfortunately is unlikely to come out of the kitchen faucet. You need to plan this.

As an entry level to drinking water:
1. Buy a 5/10 litre bottle of mineral water.
2. Buy some lemons
3. Buy some hymalayan salt
4. Wash and cut two or three slices of the lemon and place them in a tall glass
4. Add a few grains of the salt to the glass (justs a little)
5. Fill the glass with mineral water
6. Stirr it and alow it to breathe for 120 seconds
7. Slowly sip it. Allow it to sit in your mouth and swish between the teeth. As you do so, realise that every cell in your body will be nourished by this drink. That you are now doing something that is good for yourself. Taste it. The lemony saline solution is full of energy and hydration. There are minerals in the drink at a coloidal level that will fortify your bones and stop osteoperosis. Everytime you drink this you are adding years to your life. Your breath will improve, infact everything will improve.

Water is the essense of all life and this is just one thing we do on a daily basis to improve our entire experience of life on Earth. Learn to truly love water more than any other drink.

This was just one fundamental truth. There are so many more.

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